More monkey business than ever in the history of the world boy are they having fun

(at our expense)


There is no monkey pox, there is only human pox, why can't anyone get this right? The Monkey House coordinator Demetre Daskalakis claims it's gay pox but it's not gay pox, and it spreads easily droplet by droplet in the air, well of course it does if it were real, as according to their science that flies planes while building them, viruses are ultra small particles thus they go anywhere and every where dust and oxygen goes, everywhere the wind blows, they don't need planes or busses or sex riding on hung horses or men riding men.

Watch this bafoon talk out of both sides of his mouth.

Demetre goes on highlighting it's a gay disease but then tries to say it's not so all of this is more monkey shit being thrown in our faces. Are we figuring it out yet??? He completely contradicts himself saying it's not linked to an identity just linked to a social network. Well hon if it's spread by droplets or touching someone touched it's everywhere, that is physics a fundamental science that everything is based on, and then everyone gets it, that is, if it were real, and since he said only the men are getting it then there is NO VIRAL CAUSE and they are again pushing fear porn and lying to the public TO PUSH VACCINES that we don't need and are not healthy.

So if it's spread by air as this overpaid waste of public money says, then everyone gets it but they are not getting the condition, so it's not a virus.

Doctors that point out it might be the crisco mixed with shit, Nonoxynil-9, and silicone along with too much drugs, alcohol, more drugs, no sleep, sugar and junk food, pharmaceutical drugs added to the mix, maybe even covid shots that could be meningitis vaccine as placebo, are ignored.

It's not an outbreak it's just a condition that is created by these other things. Oh no gotta blame the dangerous unicorn.

So on to your new app I hope to offer a suggestion, regarding creating a list of choices to offer selection of "monkey pox vaccinated" and possibly adding all 666 other vaccines available for the wide variety of "transmissible diseases" (or the ones in the works that now they are merely designing them on a computer and spitting out code for "new vaccines" made in minutes) may I point out there is no monkey pox in humans, there is only human pox.

It's a word game the medical system plays on the public and they do this a lot.

Example, the news states Jane Fonda has "non-hodgkin lymphoma" what the hell is that? It's lymphoma. Or we could say it's lymphoma that is not the hodgkin variant but this is better described as merely lymphoma. They do this all the time to confuse people. Confusion is a tool used to then embed new ideas such as "covid-19" which is not a new disease it's just a new name that then assigns a "novel viral cause" which is the same "corona virus" that allegedly causes the common cold yet all of this is without proof only assertion.

Only monkeys have monkey pox. Humans have human pox.

There is also no real proof (just claim) that "it originated from a primate" the science has no ability to fully isolate ANY virus properly to prove it exists. This is well known and understood. It is a physical impossibility as the alleged critters are too small so they use a bizarre process to claim that they do but analysis has clearly refuted their claims, in realty is a big ol' smoke and mirror show used to push drugs. The pictures they present are interpretations of cell debris. The whole field is junk science unfortunately.

I have to say I have watched Fauci and friend$ do this monkey shit since the start of his career and its so obvious this new monkeying around approach is being used to taunt and taint the gay community again, separate us, and as usual push drugs, so if I may suggest, maybe just adding a selection named "pox" if you must as I understand the gay community will never get how badly they are being monkey'd around with, and try to make whatever you set up more hidden than in our face as it takes away from the pleasure of browsing profiles to see all these horrible diseases there. Maybe the community thrives on that drama though.

I would compare this to like when we go out to a bar to cruise and meet people we don't see their vaccine history presented by wearing a shirt or tattooing it so it should not be on profiles. Maintain it so one does not have to make a selction and thus the whole "health status" thing then is left out just as you have it on the website. I don't do apps so I don't know how you have it there. I hope my suggestion helps.

Thing is and I have mentioned this before, health departments are lying to us about so much, there is no virus cause of anything as they have NO PROOF ANY VIRUS ACTUALLY EXISTS so when they make claims they have "found a new strain" and such they are really really stretching their claims into Speedos. We are dealing with a disingenuous system that is always used to push drugs in so called health and prevention.

I find it sad to have watched the propoganda push for the last two years like never before, lies about masking, shutting down everything fun and throwing all these monkey wrenches into things, and again watch the gay community being sucked in, I see no need to keep injecting chemicals or PrEP (that contains the horrible chemical AZT) for alleged prevention when they do not work and that as with these "covid cold virus" shots have not even gone through rigorous protocols and as Del Bigtree pointed out are injections of adjuvants in great quantity of polyethelene glycol (anti-freeze and polymers).

For fun check out what's in those shots with Bill Nye The Science Guy and Del Bigree

California Department of Public Health cannot provide proof of any virus

Christine Massey now has complied 208 responses from institutions all saying they have no proof of isolation of any virus that would prove existence

Just before the plandemic of "covid" the Milken institute hosted Fauci and others who in 2019 stated "maybe we need to blow the system up" referring how to con people into not resisting a new untested GENETIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY to replace failing flu shots that the public was realizing do not work. In the discussion it was stated they may need to "create an element of excitement" (meaning create a panic) in order to sell the new flu shots and not long after we saw their plan in action. Fauci stated they'd have to go beyond the checks and balances in making new vaccines with "tried and true egg growing .... that takes 10 years or longer".

Dr. Stefan Lanka explains in detail why viruses are never actually isolated and that since a virus does not exist it makes things worse to vaccinate and not necessary 

Dr. Sam Bailey honors Lanka for his work in proving viruses do not exist, it touches on his German Supreme Court case in 2018 which blows to smitherines the entire virus causes disease construct, and why it's so important and it shatters the entire foundation of virology 

I hope you will take the time to study this groundbreaking compilation of incredible exposure to the truth.



Vaccines are a hustle. The whole theory of viruses even existing has been refuted. Do you know who Dr. Stefan Lanka is? He is the man who in 2018 won legal argument in German Supreme Court that proves viruses do not exist. Since this is a legal case there is a whole lot more weight than any scientific journal or any of the ongoing statements that are made about viruses made by Fauci, politicians, and others. A court case examines in detail the evidence. All the clammor we hear from health departments, cities and all the governing agencies is all based on lies and assertions made by the Hustlers In Virology and the drug companies.

The legal case offers discovery and in argument draws from all of that science and examines it at a much higher standard. Thus the entire foundation of "viruses causing disease" is built on this error of claims of any virus proven to physically exist, and all of these claims that vaccines are necessary or even "effective" are merely sales pitches.

Even California health department admits this in writing, they cannot provide proof any virus exists. We are now up to 208 responses from these institutions around the world admitting this. This is no small matter. The world is being deceived and even the health departments know this as they continue to just follow their marching orders.

So here we are you are stuck in the middle of surely many requests to add "vaccine status" but where does this end? Will there be more shutdowns and disinclusionism based on these erroneous perceptions that viruses are lurking "unless vaccinated"? The shots are proven to not work.

There are countless "transmissible" allegedly "deadly" viruses (according to their junk science) so if we are to move forward on endless wars on these dangerous unicorns (to appease the many who are being deceived on this whole matter) we would need to add all of those like tuburculosis, zika, west nile, on and on including all the snowflake variants.

To be inclusive and equal then be sure to add all "transmissible" pathogens and the list. I can hunt down the list if you need it though CDC surely has it somewhere probably near that trash bin that has all the memos pointing out that VIRUSES DO NOT EXIST.

I understand how hard this might be to grasp that viruses DO NOT EXIST, so if you are going to move forward with plans to add "vaccine status" or what ever else, may I cordially suggest we start making this Imaginary Virus War (IVW) more digestible by deleting the word "monkey" as they are so obviously playing games with us making a monkey out of the gay community again.

There is no "monkey pox" in humans, it's human pox. Pox is a broad term to describe a skin condition like shingles just call it that at least just "pox". This is one of the many word games in the Hustles In Virology (HIV) constantly played on the public and this has been going on for decades and at warp speed during Fauci's lying scum reign and now making us look like monkeys to the world.

The reality is the good science has been bastardized by a group of interlocking directorates with mouthpieces presenting only the view they want to present to lead people into ever increasing facist state of new drug, endless, and now repeated drug pushing, what is it up to now for the new fluvid vaccine 5 injections per year? Covid is a medical pharma marketing fraud. Corona virus is the common cold, it's right there in the AMA literature.

Many many scientists, doctors, etc. have been calling this out for years but with the overwhelming belief that viruses "exist" it's been impossible to get governing agencies to stop throwing billions at these people who offer only pacifiers that cost us dearly with lies about efficacy. All this money is then only handed out to those who will push these same lies about viruses in order to push testing that does not find virus and to push drugs that in many cases cause terrific harm or just do not work as is with all vaccines.


Dr. Stefan Lanka honored by Dr. Sam Bailey for his work in proving viruses do not exist watch here 

California Department of Public Health cannot provide proof of any virus view the document here

Christine Massey now has complied 208 responses from institutions all saying they have no proof of isolation of any virus that would prove existence view her data here

Milken institute hosted Fauci and others who in 2019 stated "maybe we need to blow the system up" referring how to con people into accepting a new GENETIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY to replace failing flu shots that the public was realizing do not work. In the discussion it was also stated they should "create an element of excitement" meaning create panic in order to sell the new flu shots and not long after we saw their plan in action. Fauci stated they'd have to go beyond the checks and balances in making new vaccines with "tried and true egg growing .... that takes 10 years or longer" thus the warp speed marketing push without testing where those who succumbed to this medical marketing horror are the roaming lab rats, it's being tested on humans!

I hope you will take the time to study these.



Are we not yet done with this virus nonsense? It's like we are living in George Orwell's 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast for the last 70 years they never stop playing this virus mania crap over and over again constantly and it's ALWAYS about pushing drugs.

If you are going to add "monkey pox" to the list of options will you be adding the 666 other diseases that are "transmissible"? They're startig their polio is back routine again, trying eveything they can to get sales up up up! Many new billionaires made while also many more homeless made. I think our priorities are a bit wacked here.

We are up to 208 agencies including CDC that cannot prove the existence of any virus. Here's California Hellth department response from last year! It would be nice if they publicized this save us billions!

There is no such thing as "monkey pox" in humans, they are monkeying with us. They are again targeting the gays like they did 40 years ago with other non existent viruses. If a human has a skin condition they would describe as "pox" it's "human pox" it is not monkey pox.

Another option is calling it Skin Trophic Disease (STD) as it has more to do with nutrition.

We'd be better off not associating ourselves monkeys when we are pigs. I suggest doing that if you are going to add all 666 diseases that should then be listed so that members can be sure to be allegedly "safe" and then of course suggest monkey condoms for protection even though viruses if they existed go right through the flexible fabric like stretchy membrane thus protects no one, HHS secretary said this 40 years ago as does the science.

And consider we don't need to listen to any thing CDC says they give reccommendations and they are compulsive liars that serve big pHARMa. Beverly Hills, El Segundo, Pasadena and others gave LA county health the finger this summer when they tried to pull the mask up bullshit again. If anyone can breathe through those then if any virus existed they go right through. It's all lies and has to stop. We are the ones that have to do it by realizing first there is no evidence anywhere on the planet that viruses exist it's all marketing pitch for grants, huge research facilities, travel, and the biggest fat bank accounts of anyone and then we get mad that government can't fix homelessness and some of this homelessness is affecting our friends when all we do is keep giving it all to big pHARMa.

Tom Cowan keeps pointing this out



I have a suggestion regarding the changes proposed of having a new disease "status" made available. Although virology has been so thoroughly refuted as being a complete and utter fraud to push drugs and testing none of which works at all as promised, I understand need to cater to your audience that wants it, those who have bought all the lies and has no clue since CDC nor health departments will tell them the truth that:

A few years back Dr. Stefan Lanka PROVED in German Supreme court viruses do not exist. That is no small matter it's a solid case that would destroy the fundamental multi billion dollar business model of the CDC and all related industries AND the entire pHARMa complex if word gets out. The case has more weight than any thing Fraudci has said the last 40 years of his octopussy mouth. All of virology is merely theory and hustle. We need to get a grip on this or they will keep spinning our heads at warp speed over and over again.

Christine Massey has assembled now 208 Freedom Of Information Request responses from health departments and institutions world wide that state not a single one of them can provide proof of the existence of any virus.

I would think hearing this would jar everyone to say "Wait what? Let's think this through" and rethink this whole blame of invisible only found on computer screen "viruses" that cannot be seen under any microscope anywhere on the planet and on their science would go right through holes of face masks which if water can get through so can droplets with "virus". That was the biggest con game and hysterical push for injections as a solution to a problem that continues to be hyped is just as a cult leader hypes it's members. It's a drug pushing cult.

I have watched the gay community be abused by the lying scum Fauci and friends for 40 years now. Corona lies were the biggest!

If people could understand what is really being said by these Hustlers In Virology they would see how nuts and all over the place their absurd claims are. I have sorted through it all starting in the 1980's when their first big lie was a new gay disease they called Gay Related Immune Deficiency (GRID) saying it was only affecting gays like again they are claiming now with pox. They never proved any virus existed yet the HHS went on TV and said it did and then had a test, none of the tests find virus they just magnify biological stew. It's like claiming you can find a certain old movie poster say of Rudolph Valentino in a garbage dump that you suspect is there* has been there since the 1920's using a magnification device that zooms in one million times, the foreman will look at you like you are nuts as it's never going to be found and that is exactly what virology does it tries to find what is not there and cannot be found. This suspecting of an old movie poster being there or a virus being in us is the same kind of nonsense. They use this to create "cases" that suspect someone "infected" yet they are healthy and the media uses that to hype and grab attention and lead you into their drug pushing agendas. They're all basically owned by the drug companies.

Even then in the 1980's they claimed the test "found the virus" then you go to get tested they tell you it does not it only finds antibodies. That is like finding blood. Nothing specific. It's all lies and it's a scheme for cash flow with the excuse of "public health" and alleged "prevention". Avoiding silicone lube and that horrible Nonoxynil-9 chemical would be better prevention of skin problems.

So if you are going to add that "monkey pox" as a choice where now we would then all be forced to see "monkey pox" in our face repeated endlessly making it APPEAR more and more real which is just like what they did with the lie of HI viruses NEVER PROVEN TO EXIST THEN OR NOW, well then maybe consider this, only monkeys have monkey pox. This is elementary. It's pox. It's not monkey pox in humans because we are not monkeys.

Do not allow this label making us into monkeys be placed on the community.

Another option is calling it Skin Trophic Disease (STD) as it has more to do with nutrition.

We not need permission from anyone to use their disingenuous mocking label, do what they do which is MAKE UP THINGS to suit ourselves. We call ourselves "pigs" that doesn't mean we are that literally we are trying to make people believe we are pigs, we can choose to ignore their monkey business in labels.

The other problem though is are we going to be adding all the "infectious" diseases to the list? Going to list if they have been vaccinated for about 666 other things? The list should end there at 666. There are no more diseases after that.

Recently the LA Hellth department tried to force masking again, cities of Beverly Hills, Pasadena, El Segundo and others gave them the middle finger, said they will not obey the absurd junk science rules and lies any longer. That is exactly what we all should do and go back to normal and if any of these hellth departments make threats that we must obey make them prove in court there's a virus. Even on the CDC documents it stated in 2020 they never had an isolate of SARS-CoV-2 to work with in creating the test. They all know viruses never proven to exist and they should be telling the public this.



There is no such thing as "monkey pox" in humans. If a human has a skin condition of "pox" it's "human pox" it is not monkey pox. Think about this, it should be A RED FLAG that they are monkeying with us. Why are we not yet done with this virus nonsense? It's like we are living in George Orwell's 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast for the last 70 years they never stop playing this virus mania crap over and over again constantly and it's ALWAYS about pushing drugs by instilling fear over aliens invading that don't exist.

If you are going to add "pox" to the list of options will you be adding the 666 other diseases that are transmissible evil? We'd be better off not associating ourselves monkeys when we are pigs.

They're starting their "polio is back" routine again, which was caused by chemicals like DDT not any virus, trying everything they can to get sales up up up! Will that be on the list "vaccinated for polio"?

What about syphillis and all the others? Gets kinda goopy looking at profiles with all that crap as if going to a bar the person has a full vaccine and test report on their front all tattooed, ooooo sexy! Might as well add those pink triangles.

I say we start calling it Skin Trophic Disease (STD) as it has more to do with nutritional matters and feeding bacteria with sugar and alcohol so it grows and grows and has to get the hell out of the body somehow!

We are up to 211 responses by these HELLth departments as of New Years Day 2023, agencies including CDC that cannot prove the existence of any virus. Here's California Hellth department response from last year! It would be nice if they publicized this save us billions! Since viruses do not exist the alleged need for vaccines vanishes!

And consider we don't need to listen to any thing CDC says they give recommendations and they are compulsive liars that serve big pHARMa.

Beverly Hills, El Segundo, Pasadena and others gave LA county health the finger this summer when they tried to pull the mask up bullshit again. If anyone can breathe through those then if any virus existed they go right through. If water can seep through then droplets with "virus" seep through. The whole thing was a farce. It was medica drug pushing theatre.

It's all lies and has to stop. We are the ones that have to do it by realizing first there is no evidence anywhere on the planet that viruses exist it's all marketing pitch for grants, huge research facilities, travel, and the biggest fat bank accounts of anyone and then we get mad that government can't fix homelessness when all we do is keep giving it all to big pHARMa.

Tom Cowan keeps pointing this out bout the fraud of virology

So at least just call it "pox" if you are going to add things. Try to make it more discreet. The site now asks "HIV status" which should then be changed to something much more subtle. Something like "health choices" or something. Add a few nice things like "emphasis on nutrition" along with "vaccinated for" and then the 666 choices under another drop down menu. It would be much better that way.


i M G A Y . C O M