Installing air filters on your face is lunatic

You are not a car you don't need an air filter. If you identify as one please go here for information on the absurdity of putting air filters on your face

The problem with all the very expensive HYPE telling you to wear this alleged protection is these Hustlers In Virology never give you proper data.

For example in Arizona's department of HELLth, they provide a colorful chart provided online, to news outlets, plastered on doctored offices and it fails to present reality.

Look at each of these colored sections on the chart by Mariposa HELLth Department.

Each colored section should have a measurement of risk of catching the virus (which they have no document anwyere on file showing it actually exists)

It should say there is NO RISK whether you wear a mask or not as there is no protection from what does not exist

and if it did exist these more accurate numbers shown to the right conclude ZERO difference in risk with these various scenarios of face using dirty diapers on one's face

just how much difference does a mask make really? not much actually NONE ZERO NOTHING AT ALL

a problem they don't tell you about is that IF viruses were real (which the are not) they would collect on the outside of the mask

much like a car's air filter but you also EXHAUST the opposite direction many times unlike a car

 so then with each exhale they'd be sprayed in greater quantities than if you didn't wear a mask

so not only do they cut off your oxygen supply (aw, who need oxygen) they don't do shit to stop anything other than brain function

as the more you wear them the stupider you look and the less oxygen that gets to your brain and the stupider you become

frankly I don't blame you I blame the medical drug cartels and the cult leaders for pushing you into this delusion

but it's up to you to escape these lies

i M G A Y . C O M