;- i M G A Y . C O M Monkey Business & Pox Busine$$ press play around
"Monkey Business" is a great film of The Marx Brothers from 1931
No human ever gets monkey pox W E A R E N O T M O N K E Y S Monkey POX is a busine$$ model and drug dealing marketing construct. Monkeys have monkey pox, humans have human pox and pox is not caused by what does not exist (viruses) which cannot be caught. If viruses existed there would be absolute proof, there is NONE. There isn't even relative proof, it's nonsensical. It makes no sense. They tell stories thus the term NOVEL virus. Fiction. Science fiction! What does exist is the body's response to toxins. If there was a "virus" as cause, then why can't officials show us proof of all these ongoing wild claims of ultra miniscule particles that they admit they can't actually find using proper scientific methods if they are the cause of anyting other than causing fear and panic and absurd interventions and faulty pre-ventions?
Subject Fw: California Public Records Request :: P015917-052522 From MoonApothecary <moonapothecary@protonmail.com> To christinem@fluoridefreepeel.ca <christinem@fluoridefreepeel.ca> Date 2022-06-10 03:23 PM California has no monkeypox... go figure. lol Kristen ------- Original Message ------- On Monday, June 6th, 2022 at 5:29 PM, CDPH Public Records Portal <cdph@govqa.us> wrote: RE: Public Records Reference # P015917-052522 Dear Kristen Welch: On May 25, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) received your request for records under the Public Records Act (PRA) wherein you requested the following: May 25, 2022 RE: Public Records Request To: The California Department of Public Health PO Box 997377 MS 0500 Sacramento, CA 95899-7377 Phone: 916-558-1784 Submitted via the CDPH Public Records Portal To The California Department of Public Health, This is a formal request for access to general records, made under the Freedom of Information Act. Description of Requested Records: All studies and/or reports in the possession, custody or control of the California Department of Public Health describing the purification of the alleged "MonkeyPox Virus" (aka "Poxviridae Orthopoxvirus", directly from a sample taken from a diseased human, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells; fetal bovine serum). Clarification of Request: Please note that I am not requesting studies/reports where researchers failed to purify the suspected "virus" and instead: cultured something, and/or performed an amplification test (i.e. PCR), and/or fabricated a genome from sequences (allegedly) detected in an impure substance, and/or produced electron microscopy images of unpurified things. I am already aware that according to virus theory a "virus" requires host cells in order to replicate, and am not requesting records that describe replication of a 'virus' without host cells. Nor am I requesting records that describe a strict fulfillment of Koch's Postulates or River's Criteria, or records where researchers conflate extraction of genetic material from a patient sample or cell culture with "virus isolation", or records that describe a suspected "virus" floating in a vacuum, or private patient information. I simply request records that describe purification (separation of the alleged virus from everything else in the patient sample, as per standard laboratory practices for the purification of other very small things). Please note that my request includes any study/report matching the above description, authored by anyone, anywhere. If any records match the above description of requested records and are currently available in the public domain, please provide enough information about each record so that I may identify and access each one with certainty (i.e. title, author(s), date, journal, where the public may access it). Please provide URLs where possible. View the response! https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/California-Dept-PH-monkeypox-PACKAGE-redacted.pdf they have no records of any virus! Virology does not use controls in it's "studies" and without controlled experiments it is junk science and guesses. You are basically being told that you can catch pox from unicorns. Vaccines no longer provide immunity to disease. Marketing term "plug and play" lies. In Washington they passed new definition by law. No longer protects or provides immunity. A vaccine is an called an "immunization" yet it's not something that provides immunity in Washington. People think an immunization provides immunity. The distortion of language is disgusting. Children are held hostage for this sick medi SIN busine$$ model. No school unless they are pHARMa slaves. Show us the pathogen. They don't exist. None of these agencie$ have proof. They admit it. So it's like they then change the definition of "proof" by saying "have some alcohol that's proof". Where's the virus????
Look at the list here!
Not one of these
224 instiututions have proof including WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, ABCDE,
LGBTQWERTY, EIEIO, PREP, AIDS, HIV, or any one anywhere on the planet.
view presentation by whistle blower who discovered virology is a total fraudChristine Massey a whistle blower biostatistician from Canada presentation on the covid-19 total fraud and the total fraud of the entire industry of health care that pushes drugs to "treat" viruses never proven to exist. THEY DO NOT HAVE PROOF ANY VIRUS EXISTS
The math is non-existent. Virolology needs to
have x and it never has it. They claim x+y=disease THERE IS NO
X. X is "the virus" which does not exist. They make everything
up out of their imaginations and clever hustles. To be purrrfectly clear you did not catch the Titanic variant of Hustles In Virology (HIV) those are yet to be built as surely this industry that makes trillions is not going away any time soon. You may have caught corona manius though as seen on TV and not reality, even though viruses do not exist as it's scientifically proven that the drama never ends. That is all that is contagious. 224 public health and other institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” or any virus purification/isolation, by anyone, anywhere, everSo to the unsuspecting who trust their medical profession that continually PROFESSES their bewitchcrarft we are being deceived. They are all PRACTICING medicine and never perfecting it as these liars once again declared another fake public health emergency but bigger and better (for their portfolios) than ever and of course their fake and greedy "solution" is to inject you with the very thing you don't want in you (viruses) to allegedly stimulate an immune response to make you immune to what was NEVER PROVEN TO EXIST or now as the hustlers all gleefully stated they would allegedly manipulate your genetics to fix you right up like Frankenstein's monster Humans suffer from Monkey Busine$$ Pox. In MBP they claim a critter billions times smaller than the point of a pin can kill you, without ever proving the thing exists. Should be easy to find but all these hustlers do is make up stories. Only if the human allows the lies of monkey busine$$ in to their brains, to manipulate them into being a Pharma Cyst Acceptance Injection Device Sirvivor (PC/AIDS) and join their cult where these Hustlers In Virology (HIV) keep throwing monkey shit in our faces, can we become monkeys that catch "pox". To learn more about this scam of virology start by referencing the great works of expert biostatistician and whistle blower Christine Massey from Peel, Canada who compiled FOIA request responses by official institutions proving these HELLth agencies have no proof any virus exists and at her Substack page here ChristineMasseyFOIS.substack.com Hear that again, hellth agencies and institutions around the world have no proof any virus exists they admit it when their PONG balls are to the wall and not playing ball with the public on fake news TV or playing footsie with their pocket full of doctors who are all in on the drug pushing hustle. It's all just guesses and the field of virology is not even using the scientific method. They are monkeying with you. |
Get infected to not get infected. That's the junk science of monkey business. The monkey pox Horseshit In Virology injection puts what you don't want in your body to make it so you don't get what you don't want in your body. That's really stupid. Vaccines are medi SIN/RAPE. Causes heart problems as a direct effect. Live virus that doesn't exist. Grown in green monkeys as they throw their poo business at you.
224 agencies and institutions world wide
have no records to prove any virus exists
responses to Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests yeilded no proof
They are monkeying with you.
Wyoming prevention
efforts are different, to better protect it's population
the state banned the CDC and all it's corrupt monkey
they realized wearing condoms to protect themselves from
mis-mal-dis-governing didn't work
any more than wearing face diapers to protect
from dangerous spike unicorns
EPA says citric acid kills viruses while the CDC recommends using rotting chemical waste
Repurposed into "uninfectants" for our hellth they are spraying and infusing this Nonoxynil-9 and QACI poisons everywhere now.
Since citric acid kills viruses that don't exist I guess I'll just drink lemon water every day to kill viruses that don't exist instead of toxic PrEP and other anti-HIV meds.
note that last sentence
that's like separating a fork from a junk drawer
the science never ever isolates any virus to prove it real
they are thus liars when they claim a virus or variant of exists
virology is a fraud
hear the technical analysis of this fraud in Part 2
of the good bye bon voyage journey of
virology which is a dying junk science branch of biology that keeps falling on
everyone's heads as the public keeps propping up the Hustle In Virology (HIV)
with trillions of their cash that could instead PROVIDE HOMES FOR EVERY PERSON
before the PAN demic it was March 2019 and then
fell off the Runway and people said they caught Kovid
Widely introduced to the public in 2019 March new Oxygen Deprivation Devices (ODD) were presented as highly fashionable which only one year later became all the rage. Frankly, the rage should have been directed at the Medi Cult and politicians that fly planes while building them as a response to dangerous unicorns that even if they existed would not be trapped by air filters that have a 2 way directional air flow like how stupid is that!
To clear the air notice that a car and truck has an air filter that air flow only goes ONE WAY so that it actually filters the air and holds particulates in place. An air filter on a person as recommended by Conniving Deceitfull Corporations (CDC) spreads whatever is collected because a human's air intake is also acting as a tailpipe. Like duh. Time to change out what you filter. Let's clear the air on PublicHellth, energy, and other invisible threats together safely & effectively without marketing hustles.
Here's their science's main man see if you can guess his name.
"Disturbed in his secluded afternoon naps, Pan's
angry shout inspired
panic (panikon
deima) in lonely places"
"PAN is famous for his sexual prowess and is often depicted with a phallus."
2020 hindsight reveals the public in a PAN ick & a PAN demic called "panikon deima"
to doggie treat the PAN ick they sold the public pHarma rape and it was gobbled up
to make the fake new threat real they created PAN demonium
PAN is the Greek god of mischief and debauchery
A senator PAN in California was mischievous, trying to pFuck everyone with pHarma cum shots
SUM like their CUM shots
PAN never unworships GOD & SATAN any more than man dick gets uncurcumcised after it was amputated by sickos
PAN depicted as copulating with a goat
as seen in marble
sculpture located in Naples National Archeological Museum
Object history |
From the rectangular peristyle Villa of
the Papyri in Herculaneum, 1752
Français :
Provenance : péristyle rectangulaire de la Villa des Papyrus à
Herculanum, 1752
References | Carol C. Mattusch, The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum. Life and Afterlife of a Sculpture Collection, 2005, p.155-6 |
Source/Photographer | Marie-Lan Nguyen (2011) |
PAN is a mythical creature like Jesus
and imagined viruses
copulation efforts of HELLth agencies
that all work for pHARMya
is real
WHO was it that said Silicon Tire Dressing (STD) was a "safe and effective" lubricant for any part of your body?
They are all in thi$ drug pushing and chemical $hit $how together!
When ever any politician or other drug pushing goon says "safe and effective" I now run not walk the hell away from them at least 666 meters away from their PAN demanias, and when they try to rape me with that pShit and nose shove sticks I scream "you hacked off 60% of my dick you are not ever raping me again" after having just spent ten minutes having my lungs raped by their QACI chemical quaternary ammonium cat ion crap (pronounced quacky) they are spraying in their doctors offices that are corrosive chemical waste from China factories repurposed for "our hellth" used to kill dangerous unicorns.
we live in a world free of viruses
TAKE MY CUM SHOTS music video about pHarma's magic rape device injection juice
amputated phallus pretends to be happy after having 60% of it's
protective skin removed
thus exposing it's head so that everyone can see it's face ALL THE TIME
he was forced to cum out of his shell where at the parade there were
those religious freaks
who are hell bent dead set against fetus amputations while at the same
they are proud to say they are all in when
it comes to freshly born fetus dick cutting rituals
just after it enters this sick world of theirs
so for it that they set aside New Years Day each year
to celebrate feasting on Jesus foreskin
which is why in church and their bibles
they talk about eating the blood and body of Jesus
it's called the
"Feast of the
Circumcision of Christ"
some people are into that
Image date: | ||
Source: | originally posted to Flickr as this is a giant cock | |
Author: | eric molina |
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but here goes, we live in a world free of viruses
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